On Wednesday 4 September we’re kicking off our Spiritual Growth Year: a mid-week program that’s all about growing and following Jesus together. The key words of the Spiritual Growth Year are: meditation, reflection, learning together and learning by doing! Throughout the year we grow from the inside out and learn Biblical tools to continue growing and developing afterwards.

Online option possible with physical presence at Prayer Nights and Retreat
Because some people live a considerable distance from church, and also because some parents can’t both be physically present at church in the evening on a regular basis, it’s possible to follow the Spiritual Growth Year both online and offline. When you register you can let us know which option you prefer. It’s important however to be physically present at the Prayer Nights and the Retreat.

We need a minimum number of registrations to make the online option possible. For this reason, please register now so that we know we can offer both groups.

Free both inside and outside the church
We’d like to encourage everyone to do the Spiritual Growth Year. As a church, we want to invest in you. That’s why the Spiritual Growth Year is completely free, also for people outside church.

It’s natural that you may not be able to make it to every single night. In that case, you can catch up by watching the recording afterwards. We ask all participants however, to make a commitment not to miss more than one session per Module and only miss a session if it’s absolutely unavoidable.

An important reason for this commitment is that in the Spiritual Growth Year we go on a journey together. The Modules build on each other and it’s not helpful to follow the last Module if you’ve missed large parts of the previous Modules.

Having said that, we do want to be considerate to individual situations, for example, parents who are trying to get their kids to bed on time!

The Spiritual Growth Year consists of four Modules. Each Module is made up of four evenings (bi-weekly) plus an hour of prayer and ministry once every month. This takes place on the first Tuesday of the month 7 – 8pm.

The following subjects will be offered:

Following Jesus: Imitating Jesus’ lifestyle
Emotional Health: Becoming aware of your feelings and internal health
Spiritual Disciplines: How to intentionally grow spiritually and develop daily rhythms
Meaningful relationships: Dealing with the most important relationships in your life.

What is expected of you?
The Spiritual Growth Year mainly takes place on Wednesday nights. The Hour of Prayer is on Tuesday night. The school holidays are always free. In between there will be extra assignments to prepare and reflect.

– Expected time commitment: 3 hours per week (incl. evenings and assignments)
– 16 Wednesday nights (8 – 9:30pm)
– 8 Tuesday nights, 1 hour of prayer and ministry (7 – 8pm)
– A 3 day Grow Retreat 29 – 31 May 2025
– Confidentiality towards other participants of the Growth Year

Every night consists of a 30 minute group teaching, an individual exercise and a group discussion.

There are no costs for the actual program. We do recommend extra reading material which can be bought. For the Retreat, there will be costs for food and accommodation. We’ll share more information about that later.

You can find all the dates in the C3 Den Haag app. Below are the dates for the entire year. You can also copy the link below to your calendar settings to subscribe to our C3 Den Haag Google calendar.


Module 1
Wed 4 September
Wed 18 September
Wed 2 October
Wed 16 October

Module 2
Wed 13 November
Wed 27 November
Wed 11 December (Christmas holidays)
Wed 15 January

Module 3
Wed 29 January
Wed 12 February
Wed 19 February (one week early because of Spring Break)
Wed 12 March

Module 4
Wed 26 March
Wed 9 April (May Holiday)
Wed 7 May
Wed 21 May

Hour of Prayer
1 hour of prayer and ministry on the first Tuesday of every month October – May, 7 – 8pm

Grow Retreat 29 – 31 May 2025

Wednesday evenings 8pm – 9:30pm
Tuesday evenings 7 – 8pm

Vier Heemskinderenstraat 91, Den Haag

I would like to regsiter for the Spiritual Growth Year.